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You can trust God's word, because it never returns void (Isaiah 55:11), it's established in the heavens (Psalms 119:89) and will remain forever, without fading away (1 Peter 1:25 + Matthew 24:35).
Here, we can see some fundamental truths and promises that showcase God's word as a SOLID FOUNDATION found in 2 Timothy 2.
Which verse is your favourite and one that you will stand on today?
Want to hear more? Hit the link in the bio to hear Luellen share revelation on 2 Timothy 2🔗👆🏻

IT IS FINISHED (John 19:30) | Did you know? | Sin AND sickness GONE
Did you know that when Jesus took to the cross, he died for ALL sin AND sickness? (Matt 8:17) That means you aren't just saved from the pit of hell when you die, you are SAVED from living in it NOW including disease and sickness of all kind. THAT is something to thank Jesus for. He died for your TOTAL FREEDOM!
Want to know more? Check the link in the bio for the message by Richard in FULL 👆🏼🔗
Let us know in the comments or DM us if you need prayer or support for anything you are yet to see full freedom in, we'd love to pray for you🙏🏼

🔊 No time better than this 🙌🏾| WORSHIP MOMENT | Psalms 34:1
'I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of his glories and grace.' (Psalms 34:1)
Did you know you have a choice to thank God even if you don't feel like it and even when things aren't going as planned!? (See Eph 5:20, Php 4:6)
We are encouraged to praise God despite our circumstance and regardless of what we may be feeling - God sees it all, and is worthy of our thanks and praise (Rev 4:11, Psalms 96:4, 2 Sam 22:4, Psalms 145: 3, Psalms 56: 8) There is no better time than THIS!

GATE | Psalms 24
YOU have the power to decide WHAT and WHO enters into your mind, body and spirit! TRUTH is a person whose name is JESUS and He invites you to let Him in to transform your life today!
Oxford dictionary defines a gate keeper as 'a person, system, etc. that decides whether somebody/something will be allowed, or allowed to reach a particular place or person*'
WHO and WHAT will you let in? YOU decide!
Luellen unpacks this topic in FULL (WE are the GATEKEEPERS) - hit the link in our bio for more 🔗👆🏿

PSALMS 24:1 | FULLNESS | Completion
Did you know that YOU are part of the FULLNESS of God's creation? If you say yes to Him, you say yes to His COMPLETE provision.
Want to know more? Check out the talk from Luellen Mayhew 'WE are the GATEKEEPERS (Psalms 24)' by hitting the link 🔗 in our bio☝🏾for more insight.

KEEPER | Who will you let in? | Psalms 24:10
YOU have the power to decide WHAT and WHO enters into your mind, body and spirit! TRUTH is a person whose name is JESUS and He invites you to let Him in to transform your life today!
Oxford dictionary defines a gate keeper as 'a person, system, etc. that decides whether somebody/something will be allowed, or allowed to reach a particular place or person*'
WHO and WHAT will you let in? YOU decide!
Luellen unpacks this topic in FULL (WE are the GATEKEEPERS) - hit the link in our bio for more 🔗👆🏿

⚔️📖 The WORD of GOD is a weapon and tool ✌🏾
The WORD of GOD is our weapon - a sword in fact (Ephesians 6:17). It is a tool given to every believer to WALK EVERYDAY in VICTORY!
@lydia.easton.voice encouraged this past weekend from the book of the Nehemiah, and shared insight we wouldn't want you to miss. Hit the link in the bio to hear the full message 🔗👆🏿

Would you like to be HEALED? 🌊🚶🏽♂️ Pick up your mat and WALK
SOUND ON for the encouragement from John 5 that @ifeoluwa.____ shared this past Sunday.
YOU are invited to be HEALED TODAY! Comment below if you have a need so we can pray for you, or share your experience of being healed to encourage others today👇🏽

Did you know that the Bible is the WORD of GOD? It is His very word that brings LIFE, MOVEMENT and VICTORY (see Genesis, Psalm 119:89, Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 4:4, Matthew 24:35, Romans 10:17, Isaiah 55:11, Psalms 107:20, John1:1-5, Genesis name but a few!)
We encourage you today to SPEAK OUT the WORD of GOD over your life today and see the transformation in and through you and your circumstances.

CONSECRATION | Unto the Lord
We need to be SET APART from this world in order to answer the call to holiness. Harold shared this revelation in our meeting this past Sunday, and we'd hate you to miss it! 👇🏽
▶️Listen to the full message, The call to CONSECRATION; Harold Mensah, 12th May, by hitting the link in our bio 👆🏾🔗

BE HOLY | A call to consecration | 1 Peter 1:15
Did you know that when you answer the call from Jesus that you are SET APART to reflect God's glory? 🙏🏿✨
🔗Listen to this scripture being unpacked further by Harold by hitting the link in our bio for the message: 'The way of CONSECRATION; 12th May'

TESTIMONY | Follow the 'Holy Spirit Nudge' | 📹️
Have you ever felt a 'nudge' from the Holy Spirit to do something?🦻🏼🕊️
Anna shares her experience of doing just that, how it led her to our church and how she was blessed by the whole thing! Catch the full 6 minute video by checking out our reels🎞️
Be encouraged today to 'follow that Holy Spirit nudge' - you never know what the Lord fully has in store for you!

Anna shares her testimony about her time at King's Gate London

A life in Christ means you are SAVED, HEALED and DELIVERED 🙌🏾
This means not only do we get to live with Jesus inside of us, but we get to say goodbye to our diseases and have ALL burdens, sins and worries removed too!
Richard shared this encouraging word last week and we'd hate for you to miss out! Hit the link in our bio to listen to the 30 minute message in full 👆🏿🔗✨
(Some Bible refs: Matthew 8, Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 5:17)

🙏✨ Life | CHRIST | Lives IN YOU ✨🙏
DYK that when you say yes to Jesus, that He comes to live in and through YOU,?
This means God dwells in you, transforming your life from the inside out 🌿🌺
💬 Share in the comments below how allowing Jesus to live in and through you has positively impacted your life. Let's encourage one another 🌟🙏