Our Vision
A community consumed by the power and love of God - to give their lives to see the United Kingdom awakened to Christ.
Our Mission
To lead people into the presence of God, teach the truth of His word, equip through the five-fold gifts and prayer.
Our Values
Biblical Teaching
Honesty and Integrity
Jesus Centred
Spirit-led Praise and Worship
Recognise and Release the Five-fold
Charismatic and Other Gifts
Maturing the Church
Hearing and Praying God’s Will
The Poor
Our Core Beliefs
Freedom through Salvation in Jesus
Jesus, as fully God and fully man, lived a blameless life on earth and sacrificed Himself for our sin on the cross. He bore the wrath of God, died, and was resurrected before ascending to heaven as the eternal mediator between God and man. We are saved when we come to faith in Jesus.
The Holy Spirit
God is one being in three persons - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in all believers giving us an assurance of our salvation, convicting us of sin, and producing an increasing likeness to Christ in our characters. We believe in the supernatural ministry of the gospel as His power works through us to demonstrate His Kingdom on earth and that followers of Jesus should be baptised and filled with the Spirit.
The Bible - God’s infallible word
God has revealed himself in the Bible and it is His infallible Word given by the inspiration of God through human authors. It is our supreme authority for faith, life and doctrine and we want to follow Jesus’ example to believe, speak and live the Word.
The church - the body and Bride of Christ
We are part of the Universal Church and together with all who truly believe in the Lord Jesus we make up the Bride of Christ. Jesus is returning for a glorious Bride, sons and daughters who overcome and who seek to fulfil the Great Commission of Jesus.
Marriage - a symbol of the union between Christ and His Church
Men and women are made in the image and likeness of God to reflect His harmonious interdependence. Marriage between men and women is symbolic of the union between Christ and His Church.
Impact through love
As a community of believers, we are passionate that love should be our hallmark. We want to receive the love of God that is given to us, express our love for Him and live a lifestyle of love towards other people.
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.””